As a Virtual Assistant, I understand how building your coaching business can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience.

One moment you may feel like you’re on a high, very enthusiastic, and the next you feel frustrated and overwhelmed. This is common, but one of the keys to business success is to maintain a positive mindset.

Here are six strategies to help you create the positive mindset you need to reach the success you desire:

1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people. It is said that you are a combination of the five people you spend the most time with. Attitudes catch like a virus. If you spend a lot of time around negative people, you will absorb their negative energy and limiting beliefs. Spending time around positive and successful people will inspire you to always be moving forward toward your goals. They believe in themselves and they believe in you too. They are your support group and they want you to succeed.

2. Create affirmations. It can be helpful to repeat positive affirmations to help motivate you and believe what you’re saying. Many successful business men and women use affirmations in this way. Some examples are:

  • I am successful
  • I am confident
  • I am knowledgeable
  • I am skilled
  • I am attracting my ideal clients
  • My business is successful
  • Clients appreciate me
  • My business is growing
  • I am organized
  • Money flows to me freely and easily

Make sure the affirmations are realistic and something you can envision. If you say, “I am a successful astronaut,” but that is not something you are actively working toward and it is not something you can realistically see yourself doing, then it will be completely pointless. If you have trouble coming up with affirmations that are right for you, make a list of your doubts and insecurities about yourself and your business, and then create affirmations that are the exact opposite.

Repeat and/or write your affirmations several times a day, while envisioning what you are stating and feeling what that would be like. You can even write them on sticky notes and post them around your house where you will see them regularly.

3. Catch negative thoughts as you are thinking them. It’s natural to have negative thoughts, but they are just not helpful to us and they hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams. Find something that works well for you so when you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, or just feeling negative in general, you have a tool to use to change your thinking.

Some tools could be the affirmations (mentioned in the previous point), uplifting songs, positive quotes, meditating, taking a walk outside, exercising, or using a rubber band on your wrist to give yourself a little reminder snap when you think negatively.

4. Be grateful. Gratitude is a very powerful tool for success. Be thankful for all the wonderful and positive things and people in your life. When you are grateful and appreciative, you will find that challenges are not so difficult and more opportunities will come your way.

You may find it helpful to keep a gratitude journal that you make entries in daily. You can always find something to be grateful for, even something small or seemingly insignificant. This will help you keep a positive perspective when you are facing a difficult situation, when you’re feeling down or you just don’t feel like you’re making progress. You can review entries in your journal to remind yourself of all the positive aspects in your life.

5. Set goals and intentions, and then let them go. Knowing what you want is important, but don’t get hung up on or obsessed with them. The Law of Attraction says that we attract what we focus on (good or bad), but if you are desperate and needy, you will only attract more situations that cause you to be desperate and needy! You will be sending the universe mixed signals. Set your goals and intentions, let them go and have faith that they WILL happen.

6. Take action. You’re not going to get anywhere by just intention alone. The universe wants to help you get what you want, but you not only need a positive attitude and clear intentions, you also need positive action. What steps can you take today to help you reach your goals?

With the right attitude, you can reach your goals and accomplish anything you put your mind to. As an entrepreneur, success is within your reach. Embrace these six powerful mindset strategies and you will see more growth and success in your business, and as a result, you will be happier and sleep better at night!

If you need help implementing some of those action steps on the technical or administrative side of your business, or you just aren’t sure what you need to do next, don’t stress yourself out. A Virtual Assistant can handle these things for you and help guide you in the right direction.

Contact me today for your Complimentary Discovery Session to discover how I can help your business grow.
