The Virtual Solution - Stabilize Your Business Systems

Stabilize Your Business: 

Kick Chaos to the Curb NOW with Secure, Sexy Systems

More on the “sexy” in a moment, but first we have a serious problem and we need to talk about the elephant in the office.

I know you’re ready to grow your business to the next level, but what happens when CHAOS takes over? Picture this. Fires keep popping up that need to be put out. It’s one thing after another. Team members feel frustrated and don’t know how to handle the issues with consistency – if at all, and they keep asking you or the manager the same questions over and over again. Balls are getting dropped. More and more work gets added to your plate. Creative projects get moved to the back burner – permanently. There’s not even any time to scale the business. You’re spending less and less time with your family. It’s a snowball effect, and it’s heading straight for you! It feels heavy and suffocating, like it’s sucking all of the joy out of your life.

What’s worse? A key team member suddenly leaves. No one knows that team member’s role better than they do. They’re gone. Important information that resided in their head is GONE. Now it’s a guessing game. Trial and error. More chaos, trying to catch up and put out those fires, causing a big disruption in business operations, resulting in dissatisfied customers and LOST REVENUE.

Do you feel that in the pit of your stomach?


Where is your business going to be one year from now if things continue as they are right now? Chaos is the enemy of any business, and it will only multiply if something doesn’t change…

if something isn’t done QUICKLY to stop it in its tracks!

The fact that you’re here means that you want to transform your business and have it run smoothly, right?

The Magical Solution?

Solid, Defined Systems & Policies

Okay, so maybe they’re not actually sexy, like I indicated earlier, but you will think it’s magical when you have a clear way that your business systems are documented and executed, giving your business the STABILITY it deserves!

Imagine how your life and your business will be different in 6 months when every team member in your business knows what they’re supposed to be doing and when…

  1. I want you to think for a moment about the PEACE OF MIND you’ll have, knowing that important information has been collected and organized so you’ll never have to worry again about a team member suddenly leaving, with their replacement not knowing how to pick up the pieces.
  2. Visualize the BUSINESS GROWTH you’ll achieve by scaling your business with ease due to documented procedures and consistency in training.
  3. Consider the CLARITY and dependability for team members when they know and understand what’s expected of them and they know exactly where to go to find policies, processes, responsibilities, and more.
  4. I want you to picture how your life is going to be different when you have the FREEDOM to pursue creative ventures, spend more time with family, or even travel because you TRUST YOUR TEAM to run the business properly in your absence.
  5. And what about the RELIEF you’ll feel… knowing that your business is SECURE and ready to sell at any time in the future?

Ahh, now doesn’t that sound magical?

If you knew absolutely for certain that I could work with your team to make all of this happen, you’d grab that opportunity, wouldn’t you? Introducing Stabilize Your Business: Kick Chaos to the Curb NOW with Secure, Sexy Systems, an exclusive systems documentation package for 7-figure businesses.

Details/Features/What’s Included


Team Handbook/Employee Manual

  • Welcome
  • Company Culture
  • Values
  • What the Business Offers/Sells
  • Team Structure and Expectations
  • Tools and Systems
  • Benefits
  • Code of Conduct
  • Privacy & Security

Communications Guide/Handbook

Team communications agreements regarding

  • HR Issues
  • Project Related Conversations
  • Tech Issues
  • Client/Customer Issues
  • Email
  • Project Management
  • CRM
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Text, phone, messaging

Standard Operating Procedures

  • Collecting list of processes from your team.
  • SOP team training.
  • SOP videos are collected from the team, which my team uses these to document the procedures.

How long does it take and what’s the investment?

This systems package generally takes 3-6 months, and up to 12 months in some cases, depending on what’s already set up in your business and how much you need documented. Investment starts at $12,000 for 3 months. Monthly payment plans are available.

Anxious to get started?

Step #1:

First, we’ll schedule a Systems Assessment Deep Dive, where we’ll thoroughly assess the state of your business and determine what has been documented, updated, or automated. This is the very first thing I do with clients. We can’t properly stabilize your business without going through this in-depth process.

This assessment will give you a snapshot of what’s in place in your business, what’s in good shape, and it will highlight the danger areas in your business that need to be addressed… sooner rather than later. Then we can set up a plan and a schedule for documenting your business, if we agree it’s the next best step for you!


What’s included in the Systems Assessment Deep Dive?

  • 60-90 minute in-depth Systems Assessment Deep Dive call
  • a detailed report of the current state of your business, the risks to your business, and an action plan, delivered to you within 2 weeks after our deep dive call.
  • a scheduled follow-up call to review the report and discuss next steps regarding the Stabilize Your Business Systems Package.

The cost for the Systems Assessment Deep Dive is $1500 USD and will count as a deposit toward the total Systems package, should you choose to move forward with it.

Click the image below to sign up for the Systems Assessment Deep Dive:

Systems Assessment Deep Dive

Who This Package is For

  • 7-figure businesses (or approaching 7 figures)
  • You have a COO, Operations Manager, or Online Business Manager (or similar position) on your team
  • Your team is willing to participate in the process
  • You are willing to do your part to rally your team and get them on board and excited to get this done
  • You want phenomenal results in the shortest period of time

Who This Package is NOT For (a different package or offer may be more appropriate for you)

  • You’re making much less than 7 figures
  • You don’t have a team
  • You don’t have a COO or Online Business Manager (or similar position) on your team
  • You’re not committed to this project
  • Your team is resistant and isn’t on board

Still have questions, or already know you want the FULL package and want to get the ball rolling ASAP?

Reach out at